Monday, March 24, 2025

New Jersey may follow Texas and other states and make gold plans cheaper than silver

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I delivered this testimony today to the NJ Senate Commerce Committee in favor a bill that would put gold and silver plan pricing roughly on a par in year one and price silver at a 90% AV in year 2.  Laura Waddell of New Jersey Citizen Action also testified in favor. The bill passed out of Committee on a 5-0 vote.


March 24, 2025
Statement by Andrew Sprung
Health Care Committee Co-chair, BlueWaveNJ

Re:  S1971 -  An Act imposing certain rate filing requirements concerning certain health benefits plans available on the state-based exchange.

Chair Lagana, Vice Chair Cryan, and members of the Committee:

S1971 would correct a severe pricing imbalance in New Jersey’s ACA marketplace that weakens coverage for middle-income enrollees in health plans offered on GetCoveredNJ.

At a time when the fate of the enhanced premium subsidies established by the American Rescue Plan Act is uncertain, as under current law they are funded only through 2025, S1971 would also increase federal premium subsidies at no cost to the state and so partially offset the rising costs to enrollees that would result from expiration of the ARPA subsidy enhancements.

The imbalance: New Jersey is unique among U.S. state marketplaces in that in New Jersey gold-level plans – the metal choice that offers a coverage level closest to the average employer-sponsored plans – are priced out of reach for almost all enrollees.  In New Jersey in 2024, just 1.4% of on-exchange enrollees selected gold plans, versus a national average of 12.5%. Nationally, the lowest-cost gold plan premium in each state market is 4% higher than the lowest-cost silver premium in 2024. In New Jersey in 2025, the lowest-cost gold premium is priced 41% above the lowest-cost silver plan.

In Pennsylvania and Texas, two states that have taken measures similar to S1971, lowest-cost gold plans are priced well below lowest-cost silver plans, as shown below, and bronze plans are also a relative bargain.  

S1971 would follow several state governments (e.g., Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, New Mexico, Colorado, and believe it or not, Texas) in making gold plans more affordable than the national average.

Average Marketplace Premiums by Metal Tier, 2025 - KFF[1]
Unsubsidized premiums for a 40 year-old

Gold plans (and bronze plans) matter most for middle-income enrollees – those with income above 200% of the Federal Poverty Level (in 2025, that’s $30,120 for an individual. Below the 200% FPL threshold, silver plans (and only silver plans) come with Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR), which raises them to an effectively platinum coverage level. Silver plans are usually the best choice up to that income threshold.  

Above the 200% FPL level, however, there is a benefit cliff. Silver plans with weak CSR  or no CSR  expose enrollees to much higher out-of-pocket costs than the average employer-sponsored plan.

In states that have taken measures similar to S1971, enrollees with income above  200% FPL have the opportunity to reduce their out-of-pocket costs by choosing affordable gold plans. Those states include Pennsylvania and Texas. Compare the premium for the lowest-cost gold plan available in 2023 in three mid-size cities: Newark, Pittsburgh, PA, and Corpus Christi, TX:

Lowest-Cost Gold Plan in three Mid-Sized Cities, 2025
Premium (after subsidy) for single 43 year-old, income $38,000/year


Monthly premium – lowest-cost gold

Newark, NJ


Pittsburgh, PA

$  43

Corpus Christi, TX

$  43

Sources: GetCoveredNJ, Pennie,[2]

Next, consider the effect on metal level choice in these three states:

Effects of Strictly Aligning Premiums with Actuarial Value – Or Not
ACA Marketplace, 2024

Gold Plan Selection at Incomes Above 200% of Federal Poverty Level, 2023


Enrollment > 200% FPL

Gold enrollment > 200% FPL

Percent gold plan selection, > 200% FPL

New Jersey












Source: CMS Public Use Files[3] for the ACA marketplace. Excluded: enrollees with income unknown.

S1971 would pull off a trifecta: It would align plan pricing more strictly with the value each plan offers to enrollees; it would make gold and bronze plans much cheaper for New Jersey enrollees; and it would effectively charge this benefit boost to the federal government. It would do this by ensuring that the full value of Cost Sharing Reduction, which most silver plan enrollees receive, is reflected in silver plan premiums.

In the first year of enactment, S1971 would require that silver plans be priced at the average actuarial value obtained by all silver plan enrollees in the state, including the majority for whom CSR boosts the silver AV  to 87%, or 94%, well above the gold 80% level. In New Jersey, that means pricing silver plans roughly on par with gold plans.  In the second year, insurers would be required to price silver plans as if all enrollees obtained strong CSR – that is, to price silver as if the average AV were 90%, or platinum level. That’s meant to be a self-fulfilling prophecy: If gold plans are cheaper than silver, then no one with an income above 200% FPL should buy silver plans, because gold AV is higher than silver AV at incomes above 200% FPL.

When silver plan premiums rise, so do premium subsidies, rendering gold and bronze plans cheaper for enrollees. Those subsidies are funded entirely by the federal government. Higher benchmark silver premiums also mean more money for New Jersey’s reinsurance program, which reduced premiums for unsubsidized enrollees.

For those who are ineligible for subsidies, New Jersey offers silver plans off-exchange that do not price in the value of CSR. Thus the premium alignment mandated by S1971 is win-win-win for New Jersey enrollees, insurers, and the state budget.

Thank you for the opportunity to offer testimony BlueWaveNJ is a grassroots group committed to helping secure economic justice and equal opportunity for all Americans and all New Jerseyans. We look forward to working with you to make health coverage more affordable for hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans by passing S1971 into law.



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